Supergame Magfed Official Rules

Updated 4.25.24


***All participants of Supergame will follow the rules of the fields. You will be asked to leave if you're in any violation of safety, cheating, abusive language, or poor sportsmanship. The producers of Supergame will require each player to fill out the field and event waiver and will enforce its rules and regulations based on each event. All players must sign and submit a field waiver at check-in by Friday*

Markers, Loadouts and Gameplay: GENERAL RULES, LOADOUTS MagFed Only. Conventional industry, detachable magazines allowed. No limit on ammo or rate of fire. Stock class, tube-fed not allowed. Hoppers & Tac Caps not allowed. Internal mag-fed allowed in only specific cases (Dukie DSG, Longbow mags). Under-mount launchers (e.g.-M203) may be used to shoot paintballs or first strike rounds. Launching nerf grenades/rockets is prohibited. . You will be issued a wrist band , and you will need it on you at all times to ensure proper access to the field. Replacements are not free. Players will have red or blue tape issued to them that they will have to wear at all times on BOTH arms. Not just on their plate carrier, no exceptions.

Players must have air tanks that are within active hydro tested dates. Expired air tanks are dangerous and not allowed (2” diameter tanks or less do not apply) Box/Drum Magazines allowed (Rap4 Box Mag, Dye Box Rotor, MILSIG Tempest Drum) Pods will be allowed on the field, box mag users may load another box mag or regular mag.

Players may carry multiple box mags. Chronograph: Field limit: 280 FPS All players must chronograph in the morning once you have checked in. You will also have to chronograph your marker in the afternoon to adjust for change in temperature. All players must chrono any marker (primary or secondary) when they enter the field prior to morning, afternoon and any night sessions of play.

Staff members will verify your FPS. It is your responsibility to adjust your marker to be in range before you get inspected. *Players caught shooting above the field limit will be issued infractions and suspension from play and may be subject for ejection without a refund if caught at exceedingly dangerous settings. Two chrono infractions will result in removal from the game without refund.

* First Strike Rounds allowed. If you are using First Strike Rounds, you must chrono with FSR. No bunkering allowed with FSRs; minimum engagement of 30 feet (10 yards). All FSR must be purchased from the event.

Riot shields will be allowed, with a maximum of 2 shields per team on the field. Blind-firing while using shields is not permitted; players must peek out from shield when shooting and may not use the shield as a visible barrier to blind-fire from (e.g. only exposing their marker outside the side of the shield). Players may drop the shields to the ground when eliminated or return to spawn with them. Riot shield users must be armed with a pistol and no other primary weapon.

Masks must be ATSM approved; no mesh masks and goggle combos are allowed on this field. Players must wear visible, team-specific colored tape on BOTH ARMS. Marker Hits: Marker hits do not count if the marker is in use. If a marker is holstered or slung and not in primary operation then a gun hit will eliminate that player. (e.g. if shot in the holstered pistol, player is eliminated).

Blind Fire: No blind firing is allowed. You must always place the marker at your line of sight when engaging a target. (e.g. you may not raise your marker over a cover position and fire over it).

Mouse-holing: You may not in any circumstance place your barrel through a hole and fire on a target. You may stand behind the hole and fire toward it, with the tip of your barrel no closer than 1’ from the hole. If mouse-holed or blind fired upon, the ref may take any of the 3 actions: -One player is eliminated -Both players are eliminated -Ref will order a 10 second parlay. This is where both players have 10 seconds to turn around and move to a cover position before turning around and re-engaging. Surrender Rule: You may offer a courtesy surrender call when within 10 feet of a player. This is recommended when approaching a player from behind. If facing an opposing player, they will likely not surrender. Dead-man walks will not be allowed. Players must not pretend to be eliminated while walking through the field.

NO Contact: There is absolutely no physical contact allowed. 

***Physical contact of any kind, or aggressive interpersonal behavior will not be tolerated. The game producers will reserve the right to eject players for detrimental conduct and those ejected will not be entitled to a refund.***

WIPING AND PLAYING-ON WITHOUT RESPAWNING IS PROHIBITED AND WILL RESULT IN REMOVAL OF THE EVENT!!! Shooting over safety netting will result in immediate ejection without refund.

Masks may not be removed anywhere on the field at all.

MEDIA PERSONNEL: Approved media personnel will be wearing safety vests and bright colors. PLEASE DO NOT SHOOT THEM. If a photographer or videographer is blocking your line of sight/firing lane, please ask them to move in a polite fashion. Blatant shooting of media personnel will be constituted as unsportsmanlike abuse and result in an infraction and possible ejection without refund, subject to producers.

PAINT: Field Paint Only is required to play on the fields. Supergame will have a designated vendor to purchase paint from. Grenade Policy Players MAY NOT pick up, throw or move any smoke grenades deployed by game staff. Sound grenades are not allowed by players; may only be used by refs and game producers. Non-pyro, elastic-bodied paint grenades are allowed. You must get a ref’s attention prior to launching the grenade and the personnel inside of a 6 feet radius (not behind cover) will be eliminated. Personnel inside of building or bunker will not be eliminated in the grenade lands in front of the building or cover, even within the given kill radius.

“Dummy Grenades” are prohibited and will not count if deployed by a player. RESPAWNS: There will be dedicated respawn areas, with respawns available at each team’s respective Command Posts, in addition to in-game respawn points. When eliminated, players must RAISE THEIR HANDS/MARKERS and walk towards their dedicated spawn points. Players must wipe old hits off when respawning.

PROPS: Key props will be designated for the teams’ respective missions. These props are not to be touched or stolen by the opposing team (e.g.: A UEC/Blue prop will have blue tape tied upon it. This prop is not touchable by Red personnel). Penalties for stealing opposing props will be at the discretion of Game Control. Neutral props will not be designated by color for either team.

Players may not tamper with props or remove any labels or contents. Players that are eliminated while in possession of game-specific props, must drop it where they stand when eliminated. Players may not take props back to the base or hand to another player in the act of elimination.

CHEATING: ANY form of cheating will be subject to infractions. In terms of prop collection, water and chemical collection, any blatant cheating will result in massive penalties for the team of the offending party, at the discretion of Game Control. USE OF DRONES: Players are prohibited from using drone devices; Only pre-approved media and staff personnel will be licensed to use drones during the event, at the expressed consent of the producers.

Supergame Specific Magfed Scenario Format

*In the spirit of adding flavor to the traditional SG MFOG game, this year's setup is similarly simple to last year’s.

We will be placing a mannequin on a litter stretcher and placing it half-way between the fighting bases in the DMZ, on the road (same place the mech started last year). The teams will have two players carry the litter with the mannequin on it to Darkwoods Fort (DWF) and hold it until 11am. To get full credit for points, the team not only has to be flying their flag at 11am, but the litter and mannequin must be inside DWF as well.

The litter is a 2-person carry; it cannot be moved by 1 person. Litter carriers that are hit must immediately drop their end of the litter and go respawn. Another team member can then take their place and resume moving the litter to DWF. Shooting the mannequin or the litter has zero effect. It is perfectly legal if one team wishes to hide the litter somewhere else to deny both teams the 11am DWF objective.

For the DMZ castle objective, the litter is no longer in-play. Instead, it is a crazy VIP. This is an unarmed player that will actively work against anyone trying to escort them to the DMZ castle. They can yell, scream, run away, etc. To get the VIP to cooperate, players may only place a hand on the VIP’s shoulder. They may not grab the VIP or otherwise make any other physical contact. This will cause the VIP to cooperate for a short period of time (for simplicity's sake, it will be up to the VIP to make the determination instead of trying to rely on a timer).

To get full points, the VIP must be in the DMZ castle at 12pm and the teams’ flag must be raised. If neither condition is met, the team does not get points.

The VIP is invulnerable. Shooting the VIP will do nothing.

If the litter was not successfully delivered to DWF, then the VIP will spawn from the location that the litter was left or hidden at and operate as described above..