UPDATED 4-25-24

1.         BASIC RULES

1.1. SUPERGAME is about Fun!

         1.1.1.     Help newer players - Big Brother Program available.    If they have equipment problems, offer help.   If they are lost or confused, point them in the right direction.

1.2.       Bad attitudes are not tolerated. If you have an attitude problem and are ruining the fun for other people, you will be asked to leave.

       1.2.1.  No rude or abusive language - removal from event.

      1.2.2.  Absolutely no physical contact – removal from event.

      1.2.3.  No shooting at netting or over netting.

1.3.       You must listen to  and obey all refs, staff, and security. If there is a problem, they will ask to see your wristband and/or ID. You must show them. Failure to show when asked means that you will be immediately kicked out of the event.


        1.5.        No pyrotechnics

        1.6.        SAFETY

       1.6.1.  Goggles on at all times on the field, no exceptions.

       1.6.2.  Barrel Bags on at all times when you are off the field.

       1.6.3.  No shooting except in designated shooting areas, that means you can not shoot in your camping or staging area!      Chrono Areas      Play Field

               1.6.4.  All guns must chrono at 280 fps or below before entering the field. (250 fps for night game) Minimum engagement distance for FSR is 25 feet

               1.6.5.  The maximum balls per second (bps) is 10.2.  Semi-Auto Only.

               1.6.6.  Drive slow on the property at all times!

              1.6.7.  No drones allowed except for approved media drones.

1.7.       PAINTBALLS

             1.7.1.  SuperGame is an EVENT PAINT ONLY game. That means you cannot bring your own paintballs/FSR onto the property. You must use paintballs/FSR that you purchased at the event only. If you accidentally brought paintballs onto the property, you must turn them in to Registration. They will put your name on the paint, and you can pick it up when the event is over. Any unclaimed paint will be discarded after the event.

            1.7.2.  SMOKE GRENADES

                 Only cold burning smoke allowed.

       You cannot throw smoke grenades within 10’ of other players.
   Once a smoke grenade is thrown, it cannot be picked up again.
      Smoke grenades may not be allowed during dry weather or if there is a high fire danger.

2.         CAMPING

2.1.       Quiet Hours - Be respectful of your neighbors. We have set the following hours as quiet hours in the camping areas at SuperGame, for each night that we allow camping. Quiet Hours for SuperGame is defined as no loud music, yelling, or loud talking. We expect people to hang around with friends they have not seen for a while, just keep the noise to a minimum. We have 24/hour security that will be reminding everyone during these hours.

             2.1.1. Thursday Night - Quiet Hours from 10pm to 7am.

             2.1.2.    Friday Night - Quiet Hours from 11pm to 7am.

             2.1.3.    Saturday Night -Quiet Hours from 10pm to 7am.

             2.1.4.    Sunday Night - Quiet Hours from 10pm to 7am.

        2.2.        Fires in raised pits only and must be kept to a low level.

        2.3.        No smoking allowed within 10 feet of the Vendor Area.

        2.4.        All State laws apply to the entire property at all times.

2.5.       Dogs on leash only and they must be quiet. If a dog is barking at night, you will be asked to remove it from the property. You must pick up after your dog. No dog poop. (Indiana event does not allow dogs)

2.6.       Be careful of the trees. Do not cut any branches or damage the trees in any way. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful place to put on our events. Help us keep it that way.

         2.7.       If you get stuck trying to drive in or out of the property, ask for help. Don’t get yourself stuck worse or lose control and damage a tree.

         2.8.       Do not go in any campsite that is not yours. Respect other peoples areas.

         2.9.       Keep your campsite clean at all times. Garbage bags are provided at the Registration booth. Dumpsters are provided.  Please remove all your garbage at the end of the event and throw it in the dumpsters. Break down your boxes.

2.10.     No vehicles in the orchard (Camping and Day Parking) over 8’ tall. (Oregon Event)

2.11.      Whisper generators only in all camping and RV areas.

3.         TEAMS

3.1.       There are 3 Teams competing in the SuperGame, the Red Team, the Blue Team, and the Renegades. The Renegades sole purpose is to keep the game balanced. They basically play on whatever side is losing. They will switch from side to side as needed. When they switch sides, they will call themselves out, walk to the nearest reincarnation point for the team they are joining, switch armbands, then re-enter the game.

4.         FIELD RULES

4.1.       START BASES - Each team has a START BASE. This is not a FIGHTING BASE, and you cannot shoot while behind your START BASE. Each base is marked with colored Flags. At the beginning of the game, you must start behind the flags. Anytime during the game, you can reincarnate by crossing the flags, wiping off your hit, and reentering the game. You cannot shoot into the opposing teams START BASE. If this happens you will be eliminated and must walk across the field to your START BASE before entering the game to play again.


4.2.       FIGHTING BASES - (Oregon event only) Each team has an on-field FIGHTING BASE. This base is circled with netting and a flag of the color of your team. It is NOT A SAFE AREA. You must keep your goggles on while in this base. Inside this base is a Reincarnation Pole. At any time during the game you can enter this base and touch the reincarnation pole and you are back in the game. You CAN shoot out of the FIGHTING BASE. In fact, there are gun slits in the net for this purpose. You cannot enter the opposing teams FIGHTING BASE. You cannot rocket or grenade the opposing teams FIGHTING BASE.

         4.3.       OBJECTIVE BASES - There are 7 Objective Bases on the field. You may reincarnate at any of these bases at any time during the game IF your flag is raised AND the base is not under fire. You may ask the BASE REF if you can reincarnate at that base if you have any questions.

        4.4.        BOUNDARIES - The entire property is surrounded by orchards. Please stay out of the orchards. You can move around on the roads next to the orchards, but do not move into the orchards or you will be eliminated. (Oregon event)

        4.5.        Stay off the second story of BOTH forts in the DMZ. (Oregon event)

4.6.       UNLIMITED REINCARNATIONS - When the game starts, it will continue nonstop until the scheduled end time. You get unlimited reincarnations during this time.

4.7.       ELIMINATIONS -

          4.7.1.  PAINTBALL - You are eliminated if you are hit with a paintball and it breaks leaving a quarter sized hit or greater.

          4.7.2.  GRENADE/LANDMINE - You are eliminated if you get any paint at all on you from a Grenade or Landmine.

          4.7.3.  ROCKETS -  Rocket Launchers must chronograph under the speed of 230 feet per second. Rocket launchers must have a device for plugging the barrel.  Rockets can be used to take out tanks and buildings.  You must notify a ref and call your shot in order for it to count.  If a ref does not see it hit, it will not count. You are eliminated if the building or bunker you are hiding behind is hit by a Nerf Rocket shot out of a Rocket Launcher and you are within 3 paces of the impact point of the rocket. Rocket launchers may not be fired directly at an individual or groups of players, and may only be directed at non-human objects. Doing so will eliminate the offending player. Rocket launchers must have a device for plugging the barrel.

         4.8.       MEDICS - No medics.

         4.9.       No ranger kills.

4.10.   No special props allowed.

5.         TANK RULES

         5.1.       Tanks must be registered and approved by a staff member prior to participating in the game.

        5.2.        Tanks must start in their START BASE prior to each game.

        5.3.        Tanks are eliminated if a nerf rocket is shot out of a launcher and hits inside a net on a tank.

5.4.       Eliminated tanks must raise their white flag and proceed back to their START BASE before re- entering the game.

        5.5.        Tank gunners can be eliminated by a paintball.

        5.6.        You cannot shoot tank drivers!

        5.7.        You cannot come within 15' of a tank.

5.8.       Tanks must travel at walking speed.

5.9.       Tanks may not enter the field without a tank ref.

5.10.  Tank gunners must chrono at 280 fps.

5.11. Tanks may be penalized for breaking the rules, including being pulled from the field for one hour increments.

5.12.  If hazardous conditions exist, tanks may not be allowed on the field.

        5.13   All tank operators must attend the mandatory tank rules meeting/inspection.


6.1.       The Mag Fed game will start at 10:30am and go to Noon with unlimited reincarnations. There will be an orientation at 9:30am. Once the game starts, it will not stop.

6.2.       There will be multiple objectives.  The specific scenario can change each year and will be explained during mandatory orientation.

        6.3.        For this game, a Mag Fed marker is defined as any magazine fed marker to include box/drum mag and mechanical pumps with tube feeds. The paintball Arrowgun is also allowed.


7.1.       The spoils of war game will start at 2pm and go to 4pm with unlimited reincarnations. Orientation for the Spoils of War Game will take place at 12:30pm in the staging area and is required for all participants.  The game will not stop.

        7.2.        There are 2 Cities used for Spoils of War.

7.3.       RENEGADE ARMY - The Renegade team will be split up for this event.

7.4.       SACKING CITIES - The object of the game is to sack the opposing teams’ cities! If you successfully take over a CITY from the opposing team, you will get 1 bead per person (two if you  are shooting a pump or magfed marker). 

7.4.1.  How you sack a city:  Once a flag is turned, the base becomes neutral. The BASE REF will begin counting out loud from 30 to 0 and a ref at each entrance to the base will wave the white NEUTRAL BASE flags. If you are on the conquering team, you must be inside the base or perimeter before the Ref gets to 0 to get your beads. You will immediately be neutral when you enter the base. You ARE NOT neutral until you get in the base. If you get shot on your way to the base while the BASE REF is counting, you are eliminated and must return to a reincarnation point elsewhere on the field. The entire rest of the field is still live. Players CANNOT shoot into a neutral base.

          7.4.2.  The players will line up to receive their beads.

          7.4.3.  Once all beads are passed out, the ref will yell "PREPARE FOR WAR" with his/her hands raised in the air, followed by a 3 second pause and then "GAME ON" and all the white BASE NEUTRAL SIGNS will be dropped, at which point the base and all the players become live. No player can leave the base until the ref yells "GAME ON".


8.1.       The Night Ops game will start at 9pm and go to 11pm, with the mandatory orientation starting at 7:30pm in the staging area, with unlimited reincarnations. (IN and MD event are 9pm-10pm) **Times are subject to change due to weather conditions.

8.2.       The FIRST objective of the game is to capture Darkwoods and hold it until 10pm. Whatever team flag is flying at exactly 10pm will get the 100 points. You will not only be competing against the other team during the Night Ops game but also an elite band of Renegades that are already entrenched in the Fort. The Fort in Darkwoods will be lit with lights. Do not shoot the lights. (Oregon event)

         8.3.       The SECOND objective of the game is the DMZ. Whatever team flag is flying at exactly 11pm will win the objective and gain 100 pts for their team. The DMZ will be lit with lights. Please do not shoot the lights . (Oregon event)

         8.4.       Each player will get a glow stick corresponding with the color of their team. You must attach the glow stick to the top of your barrel with two rubber bands. You must have a lit glow stick attached to your barrel at all times. If the glow stick falls off, you must call yourself out and return to the base camp to get another glow stick. You are allowed to cover the glow stick while you are sneaking around but it must be clearly visible while you are shooting.  Glow sticks and rubber bands are available at the chrono areas.

       8.5.         The entire field is open to play. The DMZ and The Darkwoods Fort will have lights, but the rest of the field will be dark. Please be careful. If you get lost, go towards the lights. (Oregon event)

       8.6.         Glow sticks are for the barrel of your marker only and may not be used as decoys.

       8.7.         No dangerously bright lights or lasers.

       8.8.         Renegades will start on the field with no glow sticks. Once they are eliminated, they will come off the field, get a glow stick, and join the teams evenly.


9.1.       The Traditional SuperGame will start at 10am and go to 5pm with unlimited reincarnations, with the mandatory orientation starting at 8:30am in the staging area.

9.2.       MAJOR OBJECTIVES -Each hour there will be a major objective worth 100 pts. Whatever flag is flying for that objective on the hour wins that objective.

9.3.       MINOR OBJECTIVES - Occasionally a minor objective will be listed. Minor objectives are listed on the half hour and are worth 50 points.

9.4.       FINAL BATTLE – At 3:30 the game will stop for a 30-minute break and field reset for the Final Battle.  The battle will begin at 4pm and go to 5pm. The whole field is still in play, but the only points will be awarded for the teams’ flag that is flying high at 5pm.

9.5.       When the game starts at 10am, you must be behind your Start Base. The game will last 7 hours, and you get unlimited reincarnations.


10.1.        SuperGame Domination will start at 10am and go to 2:30pm with unlimited reincarnations with the mandatory orientation at 8:30am in the staging area. The game will only stop at 1:30 for a field reset and begin again at 2pm for the final 30 minutes.

10.2.        All 7 bases will be in play the entire game.

             10.2.1.          The object of the game is to hold as many of the bases as long as possible.

             10.2.2.          One point will be awarded for each 3 minutes a flag is flying above a base.

10.3.      Renegades have their own reincarnation base to be decided.

10.4.     FINAL DOMINATION – At 1:30 the game will stop for a 30-minute break and field reset for the FINAL Domination battle. The battle will begin at 2pm and go to 2:30pm. The whole field is still in play, but the only points will be awarded for the final battle flag. Teams will get 7 points awarded for each 3 minutes their flag is flying high for the FINAL DOMINATION battle.